

Take this in consideration...Pros and cons.


Cover art by SR Design.
Only words with stereo in it that I like is stereophonic and umm...stereo. Now here's a little about me.

Yes I am black, for the most part.
No I don’t just listen to rap or hip hop just because I’m black. Also rap really isn’t the same as hip hop.
No I don’t call woman b*tches and hoes. I do like big booties though..
No I don’t listen to “big booty hoes-30 inch rim-bling bling-3rd grade singalong music”. It’s ignorant and I don’t suggest it to kids who want a brighter future.
Yes I think uneccessarily huge chains and gold teeth are probably one of the biggest wastes of money ever.
No I don’t just have black friends. I prefer a good mix of people to associate with. Diversity is funner (is that a word?).
Yes I acknowledge the fact that I can be in a museum almost all day without getting bored.
No I am not white for listening to music that revolves mainly around a guitar.
No I dont smoke weed.
Yes i voted for Obama just because I was excited I'd get to vote right when I turned 18 and he was the popular guy. Didn't really know much about politics. Probably won't be voting again now though.
NO I don't care for BET!
Yes I prefer green tea over a 40
Yes I (now) believe seeking knowledge day by day is one key to enlightenment rather than partying everyday. Party one day, seek knowledge next. Alternate it man!

Ok so I ordered Janelle Monae’s debut album “The ArchAndroid” from jmonae.com 2 weeks ago and its been on serious rotate. I think it’s one of the best albums I’ve ever heard. PERIOD. It can’t even be put in one genre because it stretches through nearly all of them…well not all but quite a few…you get my point. Trust when I say its a CLASSIC because there hasn’t been any female artists I actually felt the need to support by buying their CD lately (Nicki Minaj? Pshh yea right). I’m just not moved by alot of the music out there now but Monae literally puts the defribilator to my imagination. Check out the video to her first single, "Tightrope". Also check out the remix version featuring Lupe Fiasco and B.O.B. and her other single called “Cold War” which is FIRE. Support true talent. ArchAndroid available now! Check out jmonae.com and get your copy.
FTC: For the Confident